Our latest thinking on all things innovation
A collection of articles, videos, insights, and trends in the latest innovation stories, business, thought leadership, and culture.
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How to Innovate Your Innovation
Looks to me like the curtain on the innovation theater is about to come down. At 1871,...

Innovation Unleashed: Building a culture that drives sustained growth
2-MINUTE READ In brief Building and maintaining an innovation culture is crucial but...
Innovation Unleashed: Building a culture that drives sustained growth
Why Human Resource Management Is Necessary for Business Success
How to Innovate Your Innovation
Building Trust: Critical Currency in a Competitive Job Market
Workplace Culture
4 Employee Communication Mistakes — and What to Do Instead
Shortcuts – Susan Kuczmarski
Review of Lifting People Up by Foreward Clarion Reviews
A Sustainable Corporate Culture Embraces the Values of All Members
Rising Together: The Story of Chicago’s Innovation Ecosystem
by Chicago Innovation
This book is a must-read for anyone in search of ways to build or grow a community fueled by collaboration, growth, and innovation. Learn firsthand:
- Which shared values can inspire an entire city to innovate: The C.H.I.C.A.G.O. Way
- How collaboration across industry and sector breeds innovation
- Why individuals play a critical role in leading and inspiring a region-wide movement

Innovating: Chicago Style
How Local Innovators are Building the National Economy

Lifting People Up
The Power of Recognition